Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Favorite Characters: Foggy Nelson (Daredevil)

Foggy!  As far as non-powered best friends in Marvel shows go, he’s way up there.  Whenever all the Netflix properties cross over in The Defenders, can we get a scene of Foggy and Trish in a bar, commiserating over how messed-up Matt and Jessica are?  I’ve already covered that side of things, so today, we’re looking at the man himself (some Foggy-related spoilers.)

I’ve loved Foggy since the pilot, when, trying to turn Matt off of a beautiful woman, says, “…And she kind of told me she thinks blind people are ‘God’s mistake’?”  He’s provides some stellar (and much-needed) comic relief with irreverent comments like the above, along with flashes of goofiness, a self-deprecatingly-false cocky routine, and fantastic reactions to insane situations.  In a lot of ways, he functions as an audience-insert character, commenting on the absurdity when the other characters get embroiled too deeply in it.

And comic relief is great, but the best comic-relief characters bring more than just that, and Foggy has plenty to offer.  As I’ve said, he’s fiercely loyal to and protective of Matt, but he also doesn’t blindly get in line and do what the superhero tells him to.  Matt has major issues, and Foggy’s not afraid of using tough love or truth bombs when his friend puts himself in danger.  His long history with Matt also helps ground our hero.  Their easy banter, irritated bickering, and hard-truths shouting matches hit all the right notes.

A lot of this is down to Foggy (and former Bash Brother Elden Hansen, who plays him) – he tends to work great with whoever the show puts him with.  He and Karen together have variously felt like Scoobies, legal comrades in arms, and friends against the world, and I love his scenes with Claire.  There’s just something about Foggy and the way he plays off of other people.

Did I mention that he’s a pretty awesome lawyer?  He goes up against some awfully big fish with very few resources and, given Matt’s penchant for leaving him in the lurch due to superhero business, often very little help.  But Foggy works it out.  He gets the jump on powerful people, he can find the smallest thread to cling to and keep a case alive, and in season 2’s big case, he pulls out some incredible lawyering practically on the fly.  As Matt lets Nelson & Murdock down time and again in a huge, high-profile, enormous-stakes case, Foggy just keeps on doing his job

I also like that he gets really nervous about all this stuff and that his confidence in his abilities can be shaky.  First, it shows that, even though he jokes around a lot, he’s very invested in his clients and wants to do right by them.  Second, it reminds you just how hard all of it is – what Foggy’s pulling off is no cakewalk.  And finally, it makes you root for him that much harder when he digs deep and pulls off an amazing save. 

In a genre where the hero’s everything tends to overshadow everyone else’s everything else, Foggy – as a friend, a professional, and a person – is pretty great in his own right.

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