Saturday, November 5, 2016

Relationship Spotlight: Darryl Whitefeather and White Josh (Crazy Ex-Girlfriend)

Darryl’s storyline was such an unexpected treat for me in season 1, a really nice, well-handled exploration.  Not only does it round Darryl out in interesting ways and make for great, nonstereotypical representation, it also helps White Josh move from a bit player to a supporting character and throws a fun new relationship into the mix (Darryl-White Josh spoilers.)

White Josh spends the first half of season 1 as more of a figure than a character.  Like Hector, he fills out Josh’s group of friends, offering good one-liners but remaining firmly at the bottom rung of character importance.  Mostly, I like him here for the wonderful fact that, in a friend group with two Joshes, the white one gets the nickname using his race to distinguish him from the “main” Josh.  Darryl, meanwhile, is a delightful supporting character, Rebecca’s uber-well-meaning and eager but somewhat-clueless boss.  He’s always fun in the work scenes, he and his daughter are adorable together, and I enjoy his hopeful forays into friendship with Rebecca.

It’s that last point that brings Darryl into closer contact with White Josh, who it turns out has served as Darryl’s “fitspiration” at his gym for years.  As they talk workout regimens, Darryl can’t contain his gushing.  This is a smart sideplot because, at first, it seems like it’s all about Rebecca feeling left out as she attempts to get in with Josh’s group; she’s counting on Darryl as a guaranteed friendly face to talk to, but White Josh soon monopolizes all his attention.  However, the plot opens up so much more in the next episode when, after Darryl has invited Josh’s bros to hang out at his place, the night ends with White Josh kissing Darryl goodbye on the cheek.

I’m impressed with how the show handles Darryl’s realization that he’s bi.  For a fast-paced series, the plot takes its time, and it feels right to see Darryl wrestling with his feelings and mentally dissecting the encounter on his own as Rebecca, Paula, and co. wonder what’s “up” with him lately.  When he finally approaches White Josh about the kiss and what it meant, I love White Josh’s nonchalance about his orientation – his and Darryl’s conversation makes the fact that he’s called White Josh (rather than Gay Josh) even more awesome – and the kiss.  “You were being cute, so I kissed you,” he explains.  No agenda, no crazy love strategies, just a gentle demonstration of affection.  It’s unfortunate but understandable that Darryl initially freaks out at the thought of not being straight, but I really appreciate that a) he ultimately figures that he’s bi rather than straight or gay and b) once he does, he’s thrilled to try and go for it with White Josh.

There are missteps along the way, of course.  For Darryl, he’s excited and kind of scared about everything, while White Josh has known who he is for years and is much more chill.  This creates a fantastic mix of energies between the two characters as they navigate a possible relationship.  White Josh is understanding of Darryl’s insecurities and gives him room to come out in his own time but also makes it clear that he isn’t interested in sneaking around.  And later, when Darryl starts feeling brave enough to come out to people in his life, his overwhelming all-in-ness makes things awkward.  It’s adorable, because it’s like he just can’t wait to dive in, but in trying to go too far too fast, he’s kind of manufacturing things, which of course isn’t going to work.  Season 1 ends with the pair more consciously taking things slow and being an all-around terrific, funny, sweet, unlikely couple.  We’ve only seen bits of them in season 2 (mostly as a contrast for Rebecca) – I hope we get more soon, and that it’s not always smooth sailing but they keep figuring it out.

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