Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Favorite Characters: Det. Misty Knight (Luke Cage)

Between expanding on Claire and adding Misty and Mariah, Luke Cage definitely does its part to contribute to Marvel’s BAMF Ladies Club.  While the tough, intelligent police detective is well-trod ground for compelling women on TV (pour some out for Abbie,) Misty is a wonderful example of the archetype (a few Misty-related spoilers.)

In the show’s pilot, I figured I knew where things were headed with Misty.  She and Luke share a mature meetcute at Harlem’s Paradise and spend a steamy night together, and we then get the reveal that Misty is a detective who’d been undercover at the club.  I thought we were on a clear trajectory to either love interest/detective ally to her vigilante beau, love interest/detective conflicted about trying to throw her unit off her vigilante beau’s scent, or love interest/detective who’s unaware that the vigilante she’s investigating is her beau.

But even though Misty’s storyline stays tied to Luke’s, as does most everything in the show, it’s still undeniably her storyline.  Her romantic encounter with Luke keeps him on her mind but doesn’t make him an immediate part of her life in that way.  Rather, it’s her repeated run-ins with him adjacent to her investigation into Cottonmouth and various associated dealings that really makes him stick in her head.  She knows he’s more connected than he pretends to be, and she can feel that there’s something off about his stories involving him being in rooms with a shower of gunfire and luckily never getting hit.  However, she also senses that, while he’s mixed up in something, he’s not the bad guy that some of her colleagues are interested in making him.

Misty is an excellent detective:  deeply intuitive, very brave, and plugged into the heartbeat of Harlem.  She’s a local girl who could’ve moved on to greener pastures long ago, but she chooses to stay in her neighborhood, doing her best to keep its people safe.  It’s also very much to her credit that, as she starts looking into Luke, she considers the idea of him being “special” very early on.  Granted, this is a world with the Avengers in it, and even though Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. really doesn’t cross over at all with the Netflix shows, I’m assuming Misty knows about the recent proliferation of Inhumans as well, but it still takes the right sort of person to see evidence that she may be dealing with an enhanced person and consider it a valid theory.  Misty is equally good at connecting the logical dots and entertaining the more “out there” possibilities.

As such, Misty doesn’t find out Luke’s secret through him telling her or stumbling onto the scene of blatant hero stuff that Luke can’t deny.  She doesn’t get it through an admission or a bombshell; she collects the scraps of clues she sees and puts it together herself, which is enormously refreshing for a non-powered person in a superhero story, especially a female potential love interest (who always seem to be kept in the dark way too long.)  And after she figures it out on her own, her response is reasonable.  She doesn’t recoil from the “freak” or fawn over the “hero.”  She gets what Luke is trying to do – to an extent, she kind of admires it – but she also recognizes that he’s an unstable variable offsetting the balance of how justice is supposed to work, and while she doesn’t want to see him brought down, she does want him out of the police’s business.  I like that.  It’s level-headed and understandable, and although it’s informed by her interest in him as a person/gorgeous wall of a man, her view is ultimately objective, influenced more by her convictions than her private feelings.

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