Thursday, October 20, 2016

Relationship Spotlight: Rebecca Bunch & Greg Serrano (Crazy Ex-Girlfriend)

As I’ve already admitted, I ship Rebecca with Josh, but even though I hope those two crazy kids can make it work after a lot of personal growth on both of their parts, I can’t deny that Rebecca/Greg has potential, too.  This is an entirely different relationship with its own strengths and set of issues, and I’m pretty impressed at how engrossing the show makes Rebecca’s dynamics with both guys (some spoilers.)

Like with Rebecca/Josh, Rebecca/Greg don’t work at present.  They’re two people with fairly similar damage, and in their first go at it, that damage gets in the way big-time.  Rebecca jumps into something with Greg when she’s not ready (despite her claims to the contrary, she’s not over Josh,) but even as she starts to really like him, he’s too gunshy from his previous run-ins with her to let his guard down.  Naturally, neither of them are open about what’s going on, so she tries to push him for something more, he feigns indifference out of a misguided attempt to keep her around – he thinks she only likes him when he doesn’t show how much he cares – and the situation just implodes.

In order for Rebecca and Greg to get together for the long haul, they both need to learn not to hurt one another with their own defense mechanisms.  Both are pretty sensitive but very good at pretending they’re not.  Rebecca goes big into denial and Greg can be darkly sarcastic, so when they’re respective backs are up, she comes across like a dismissive liar to him, and she thinks he enjoys criticizing/mocking her.  Fear, deflection, misunderstanding, anger, heartbreak, repeat – that’s the cycle they have to break.  If they’re going to work, both have to let their guard down somewhat and trust that the other is there for them.  They have to talk about what worries them, and they have to come with a plan to address those fears together rather than retreating into their own destructive patterns.

But then, of course, there’s the flipside.  What is it about Rebecca and Greg that would make people root for them?  Even though, again, I personally don’t ship them, I can see plenty of reasons why others do.  Really, they have a lot in common.  Both are more on the intellectual/sophisticated side, at least compared to a lot of their friends – while she likes the beach, Rebecca is probably the only one in the friend group who would get behind going to a museum with Greg.  Greg’s ambitions, wanting to go to business school and quit bartending, seem compatible with Rebecca’s high-achieving career (that said, I do think they’d struggle to make it work if Greg doesn’t see some positive movement on his career goals, because I think having a long-term girlfriend who’s significantly more successful than he is would get under his skin; Greg has some problems with his masculinity and how he thinks he’s supposed to be.)  They like some of the same oddball things, and each has a fairly good understanding of the other’s issues.  Rebecca has a lot of bright shininess about her, but there’s darkness, too, and I think Greg can identify more with that latter side.  Because each has the other’s number when it comes to their personal brands of self-sabotage, each can challenge the other.  They can force each other to confront the stuff they’d prefer to avoid, which is no small matter.  And when all the struggles and insecurities get out of the way for a minute or two, they do have fun together.  Every once in a while, the defenses come down, and they can just be.

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