Thursday, June 30, 2016

Original: The Night Passes Like History (2012)

The Night Passes Like History

3:14 gives the only light
In the night of my shuttered bedroom,
A red reminder of the hours left to go.
And though my eyes stagger with heavy-lidded sleep,
I remain awake.

Through the gloom,
I peer up to where I know the ceiling is,
Letting my thoughts meander from me.
I muse on the days I’ve had
And the days to come.
I try to summon the dreams I need
And watch lifetimes Rip van Winkling away
In the space above me.
The days I’ve never had
Or will never know
Stretch out in both directions
As I ponder
My wandering thoughts.
The scenarios play far beyond
Any logical sense of conclusion –
Civilizations rise and fall,
Songs are composed, loved, and forgotten,
And worlds change hands
In that nothing where the ceiling ought to be.

My pupils shrink as I turn from it,
And I’m half blinded by the same 3:14
Glaring at me out of the blank.

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