Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Five Random Bits of David Bowie to Enjoy

Although I’ve liked everything I’ve heard of David Bowie’s music, my knowledge of his work is still very much at a surface level – stuff I’ve heard on the radio, on movie soundtracks, etc.  If I were to compile a Top Five song list for him, it’d be woefully unremarkable, because I just don’t know enough yet outside of the most famous songs.

It’s not like I’ve seen very much of David Bowie as an actor, either, but one thing I love about the handful of films and TV shows I’ve seen him in is that, in every case, it’s the absolute perfect role for him.  I suppose it’s because he wasn’t exactly an actor, so a casting director wouldn’t go after him unless the role was right, but I love each of these five parts just because of how loudly they scream Bowie.

Jareth the Goblin King, Labyrinth

No-brainer.  Sinister/seductive goblin king of ethereal mystery with the voice of a rock god and penchant for hanging out with a bunch of freaky-looking puppets?  Like they could’ve cast anyone else.  Absolutely iconic.

Phillip Jeffries, Twin Peaks:  Fire Walk with Me

Barely even a cameo, but it’s still perfect.  Twin Peaks is wonderfully offbeat, trippy show in every respect, and if the agents we meet are any indication, the FBI is quite the place in its world.  If a long-time-missing agent is going to show up and spout a bunch of cryptic nonsense in a crazy dreamish-sequence, of course he’s going to be David Bowie.  I’m pretty sure that’s Twin Peaks’ version of logic.

Andy Warhol, Basquiat

Yeah – actor or not, David Bowie was definitely born to play Andy Warhol.  It’s too perfect.  I can’t not grin like a fool at this.  That wig says it all.

David Bowie, Extras

Probably a cheat, but technically, he’s playing Extras’ character of himself rather than his actual self.  Although, like all celebrity cameos on the show, the version he plays of himself is pretty awful, he’s so cool about it that I don’t even mind.  He wants to put some upstart sitcom star in his place?  He’s not just going to snub him or insult him.  He’s going to compose a derisive impromptu song (complete with sing-along) in front of an entire club for the express purpose of taking the guy down a peg.  If nothing else you have to admire the dedication.

Nikola Tesla, The Prestige

If David Bowie was actually human in any of his previous lives and not just a glamorous alien wizard king, he totally could’ve been a Victorian mad scientist whose work did insane things with electricity and skimmed the edges of magic.  No question.

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