Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Hamilton: Songs 11-15

Coming strong out of the gate today.  If I was forced to put together a Top Five for Act I, this next song would almost certainly be on it (and if it wasn’t, I’d probably adjust the definition of “five” to assure it a place.)

“Satisfied” – The first time I heard this song, my immediate reaction was, “Whoa – and I thought I loved ‘Helpless!’”  We back up to see Hamilton meet Eliza once more, this time from Angelica’s perspective.  She’s the one to meet him first, but even though there’s instant electricity between them, Angelica sees all the reasons it can’t happen.  In which Angelica proves she’s shrewd, observant, strong, caring, and practical to a fault.  Also?  Amazing.

Best lyric:  I know my sister like I know my own mind, / You will never find anyone as trusting or as kind. / If I tell her that I love him she’d be silently resigned, / He’d be mine. / She would say, ‘I’m fine.’ / She’d be lying.”

“The Story of Tonight (Reprise)” – An amusing little ditty to bridge the gap of awesome between “Satisfied” and “Wait for It.”  Again, I just love Lafayette, Laurens, and Mulligan’s camaraderie – they’re kind of like a rapping Three Musketeers, and Hamilton makes d’Artagnan.  Can’t go wrong there!

Best lyric:  “I’ll see you on the other side of the war.”

“Wait for It” – Burr’s response to all who question his general caution and reluctance to pick a side.  I feel like Burr’s position isn’t as clearly defined as a lot of the characters’, but this song is absolutely gorgeous and bursting with stunning lyrics; you’ll notice how long my selected quote is!

Best lyric:  “Death doesn’t discriminate / Between the sinners / And the saints, / It takes and it takes and it takes / And we keep living anyway. / We rise and we fall / And we break / And we make our mistakes. / And if there’s a reason I’m still alive / When everyone who loves me has died / I’m willing to wait for it.” 

“Stay Alive” – Another good “here’s what’s happening during the Revolution” number.  Some excellent historical details, and I love everything about the Charles Lee segment (“Yeah – he’s not the choice I would have gone with…”  Ha!)  Even scene-songs like this one are still so catchy and well-written.  No wonder I can’t pick favorites!

Best lyric:  “Local merchants deny us equipment, assistance, / They only take British money, so sing a song of sixpence.”

“The Ten Duel Commandments” – Great song with a terrific beat, telling us everything we need to know about how duels worked in the 1700s.  The whole thing is basically an expository footnote, but it’s still wonderful – as informative as it is entertaining.

Best lyric:  “Pick a place to die where it’s high and dry.”

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