Saturday, October 17, 2015

Relationship Spotlight: Xander Harris, Buffy Summers & Willow Rosenberg (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)

Before there was Harry, Hermione, and Ron, there was Buffy, Willow, and Xander (and yes, I maintain that the Buffy trio was a precursor to the Harry Potter team.  I mean, come on!  The Chosen One, the nerdy girl, and the insecure wisecracker?  Sound familiar?)  For me, Buffy the Vampire Slayer only got better when it expanded its cast – I love Oz, and Anya is fabulous – but there’s something so special about these three.

First, there’s the simple fact that Buffy so quickly becomes friends with Willow and Xander.  Buffy’s new in school and desperate to fit in, and being immediately taken under Cordelia’s wing gives her a chance at the same popularity she had in LA.  However, it speaks to Buffy’s character that she doesn’t even consider joining Cordelia in spurning losers/geeks like Xander and Willow.  Buffy’s conscious of her image and wants to be popular, but her kindness and sense of justice outweigh those desires easily.  And so, even as Willow awkwardly tries to warn Buffy about the social dangers of hanging out with her, Buffy does precisely what she wants and befriends Willow and Xander, Cordelia be damned.

At first glance, just being friends with someone like Buffy probably seems like a big enough change for Willow and Xander, but of course they both radically adjust their definition of “big change” when they get to the real revelation:  Sunnydale is a frequent stomping ground for vampires and other demons, and Buffy has been endowed with superpowers to fight them.  Despite their shock and the very real threat to their safety – now, Buffy is the one trying to warn them off – they instantly fall in line with Buffy, unwilling to sit on the bench when the world needs protecting. 

With Harry Potter, the main thing Harry has going for him is a prophecy of his all-importance, but Buffy is literally capable of things that her friends aren’t.  She has superhuman strength and agility and is generally a lot less breakable than Willow and Xander.  So, she has more of a point when she gets on the “lonely savior” kick and tries to sideline her friends for their own protection.  But despite the disparity, Xander and Willow never back down from the fight.  They do whatever they can to help Buffy, from researching demons to learning magic, from whittling stakes to wielding them.  And that’s the kind of people they are – having learned what’s out there, they have to help, and knowing that their friend stands between the world and hell, they have to stand beside her.

Really, this is what sets Buffy apart from so many slayers who came before her.  I mean, yes, Buffy’s amazing and strong and brave, and even though she’s a teenager, I kind of want to be her when I grow up.  But the slayer line is long, and she’s not the only amazing, strong, brave one.  So, when we look at why she’s able to survive so many years and withstand so much, the difference is that she’s not doing it alone.  She doesn’t have to be everything because she has other people’s talents to lean on; Willow has a far greater aptitude for research, and Buffy depends on her insight and research.  She goes into the fray with people at her back, and when things go badly, she has Xander to make her smile and remind her of all that she can do.  Buffy’s the Chosen One, so the burden of holding the demons back is ultimately hers, but thanks to her friends, she’s not the only one shouldering it.

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