Sunday, May 3, 2015

Top Five Big Damn Hero Moments: Mickey Smith (Doctor Who)

Mickey grows and changes so much from the unimpressive figure we meet in the pilot, and it’s all the more noteworthy because he really spends very little of his time on the show as a companion.  He’s obviously affected by his encounters with the Doctor, but he begins his journey as a character long before he takes a trip on the TARDIS.  Mickey’s best moments, with spoilers, below.

Fighting the Slitheen (“World War Three” – Series 1, Episode 5)

Ordinary bloke Mickey Smith takes on a giant alien with massive claws and a penchant for dressing in human skins, armed with only a baseball bat.  He’s trying to save his own life, of course, but he’s also doing it to protect a woman who’s spent a year insisting that he murdered his girlfriend.  She’s made his life a nightmare, and he still saves her – that takes character.

Saving the School (“School Reunion” – Series 2, Episode 3)

Okay, so he needs a little prodding from K9, but it’s great to see Mickey crash into the Krillitane-occupied school to rescue a gaggle of kids.  It’s particularly satisfying because it comes on the heels of Mickey worrying that he’s the “tin dog” of the group, somewhere between a tool and a pet but never an equal.  This, however, is the victory that gives him the guts to ask for the chance to see the universe for himself.

Defeating the Cybermen (“The Age of Steel” – Series 2, Episode 6)

Mickey goes through a lot in this 2-parter, and he’s the man here.  At this point, he’s already demanded the respect of jaded resistance fighter Jake, and he definitely earns it when he saves Jake from a Cyberman, deciphers a veiled message from the Doctor, switches off the emotional inhibitors of the entire Cyber army (destroying them,) and, just to top it off, pilots a zeppelin to the Doctor and Rose’s rescue.  Not bad for a day’s work.

Making a New Life (“The Age of Steel” – Series 2, Episode 6)

This is more of a personal triumph than anything else, but I still think it’s pretty cool.  After being awesome all over the place earlier in the episode, Mickey realizes he’s found a place for himself on the parallel world.  Family he lost back home is still alive here, there are more Cyber threats to be rooted out, and most of all, he recognizes that he can be valued and needed here when, despite his merits, he’ll always be a third wheel to Rose and the Doctor.  To see all this demonstrates perceptiveness, and to give up his old life demonstrates quite a bit of courage.

Facing the Void Ship (“Army of Ghosts” – Series 2, Episode 12)

Although this is a little moment, I love it.  First of all, the reveal that Mickey is back on our world is great, and his demeanor clearly paints a picture of a stronger, more confident Mickey.  And then, the way he stands in front of the void ship, gun cocked, excitedly admitting that he’s not sure what’s inside, shows just how far he’s come – very cool.

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