Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Top Five Songs: RENT

I’ll always remember how much this score excited me the first time I heard it.  To me, it was so new, so original, so special.  Even now that I’ve greatly expanded my musical theatre education, it’s still an important score for me.  Of the many vibrant songs in the show, these five are my favorites.

(Pictures are either from the original Broadway production or the movie - whatever I could find for each song.)

“One Song Glory” – This was the first song I heard from RENT, the one that made me rush out to get the cast recording.  It’s Roger’s “I want” song, but given the subject matter – his desire to write one great song before he dies of AIDS – it’s far more melancholy and desperate than such songs usually are.  The rock melody is gorgeous, and I love the emphasis it places on the power of music.

Best line:  “Find, the one song / Before the virus takes hold, glory / Like a sunset. / One song / To redeem this empty life.”

“Another Day” – The back-and-forth in this song between Roger and Mimi is fantastic – her pursuit, his retreat, his despondency, her hope.  I like that the two halves of the song are so different musically, but they layer well on top of each other, and it’s cool that Mimi repeats the same chorus introduced in “Life Support.”  More than just a recurring motif, it demonstrates her familiarity with Life Support and shows how much further she’s come in dealing with her illness.

Best line:  “There’s only now. / There’s only here. / Give in to love / Or live in fear.”

“La Vie Boheme” – You have to love this boisterous anthem to our Boho heroes and their East Village life.  It’s so full of life, passion, and defiance, and while it’s a great showcase for Mark, everyone gets a chance to shine.  Plus, who can memorize all the lyrics and not feel a sense of accomplishment?

Best line:  “To being an us for once instead of a them! / La vie Boheme!”

“I’ll Cover You (Reprise)” – After listening to this song as a light, lovely duet in Act I, it’s heart-wrenching to hear it retooled as a mournful solo in Act II.  You can practically hear Collins tearing apart as he sings, and the choral backing that rises behind him is just beautiful.

Best line:  “If you’re cold and you’re lonely, / You’ve got one nickel only, / When you’re worn out and tired, / When your heart has expired, / Oh lover, I’ll cover you.”

“Goodbye Love” – Another sad song.  This remains one of the best book numbers I’ve ever heard.  The group’s falling out is so raw and real, Mark and Roger’s fight feels absolutely visceral, and the final moments between Roger and Mimi are a gut punch.  Amazing scene.
Best (two) line(s):  “You’re always preaching not to be numb / When that’s how you thrive. / You pretend to create and observe / When you really detach from feeling alive.”
“Perhaps it’s because I’m the one of us to survive.”

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