Thursday, August 7, 2014

Top Five Stories: The Third Doctor

Three was probably the hardest classic-series transition for me.  I adored Two, and with so few of his stories intact, it seemed like that era was over as soon as it started, and I wasn’t ready.  Three’s disappointed first look at himself was about as happy as mine, but he endeared himself to me almost immediately after.  I came to love the UNIT/Doctor-in-exile angle, the dandified costume, and the fabulous companions.  Here are my picks for the Third Doctor.

“Spearhead from Space” (Series 7, Episodes 1-4)
Starting at the beginning.  Even though I just said I was wary of Three from the first, he turned me around partway through this opening story.  I like the gentler impression he makes and his happiness at his new eyebrows.  With no carryover companions to ease us into the new reign, it’s good we have the Brigadier and UNIT to wonder at the new Doctor along with us, and Liz is wonderful.  Brilliant, capable, and classy.

“Planet of the Spiders” (Series 11, Episodes 21-26)
And why not skip right to the end?  Metebelis III and the spiders are great, and I like seeing Capt. Yates again.  Sarah Jane has a rather different relationship with Three than with Four, but it’s still lovely, and the final moments of the serial are every bit as affecting as a regeneration episode should be.  (Also – there’s something on your back!)

“The Green Death” (Series 10, Episodes 21-26)
It seems I have a thing for Three’s “event” stories.  While Jo isn’t one of my top-tier companions, she’s so sweet and bubbly that I can’t help but love her, and I have nothing but praise for the interactions here between her and the Doctor.  Additionally, Professor Jones is an excellent one-off character, and the giant radioactive maggots are freaky and disgusting.

“Planet of the Daleks” (Series 10, Episodes 15-20)
This is just a really well-made Dalek story with good thrills and memorable side characters.  Plus, it’s cool to see Jo on her own at the start of the serial and forced to figure things out for herself.  She doesn’t often get moments to shine, but despite how frightened and worried she is, she’s very brave here, and I love her concern for the Doctor.

“Carnival of Monsters” (Series 10, Episodes 5-8)
Maybe it’s a little off-the-wall, but I love this story.  I tend to like the more time-trippy classics, and it’s awesome to see the Doctor and Jo trying to work out the madness around them.  With 1920s ship passengers, dinosaurs, miniaturized monsters, and temperamental time loops, there’s plenty to keep you entertained.

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