Monday, August 18, 2014

Mr. Wakefield’s Crusade: Episode 3 (1992)

The last installment of Mr. Wakefield’s Crusade brings the story to a fairly satisfying conclusion.  I correctly guessed certain twists early on, and I suspected the big answer about halfway through this episode, but that’s all right.  Luke is much slower to catch on, and some good tension is pulled from concerns that he’ll get it wrong and do something stupid, dangerous, and/or insane.
Here, his crusade leads him to several people closely connected with Marion, and we see, more than anything, how eager Luke is for company.  Throughout the miniseries, he indulges a habit of rigging his phone to call his own number, so he can have conversations with imaginary people on the other end.  He uses it to fill the space, to talk through his confusions, and even to bluff others, but it’s nothing compared to the anxiousness and energy he pours into his investigative work/burgeoning friendships in this episode.  He rehearses every conversation numerous times before he has it and fantasizes about becoming the inseparable friend of a man who may or may not be an accomplice to murder.
I won’t get much into the resolution.  Suffice it to say that it works for me and seems plausible for the near-surreality of Luke’s world.  Overall, I’m definitely pleased with the series.  Fun, watchable, and interesting, and PC plays Luke with terrifically-unhinged vigor.  This is why I enjoy exploring the filmography of actors I like – while there are always some clunkers, I inevitably find the reverse as well, great works that I never would’ve found otherwise.
Wrapping things up:
Accent Watch
Considering that this role is fairly early relative to PC’s career, I’m impressed with his RP here.  It stays on track, and if I didn’t know he was Scottish, there isn’t much to tip me off that he’s putting on the accent.
In General – Yeah.  Engaging story, entertainingly told and well-performed.  Definite thumbs up!
PC-wise – Of course!  It’s a fantastic, funny leading role with a lot of range.  What are you waiting for?
Nothing further to be added.

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