Thursday, May 15, 2014

Top Five Episodes: The Crazy Ones

One more post to say my fond farewells to The Crazy Ones, then we’ll move onto another fallen series from this season, Community.  Here, in no particular order, are my top five favorite episodes of The Crazy Ones, with a great one-liner from each thrown in for fun.
“The Breakfast Burrito Club” – The gang pulls an all-nighter at the office trying to come up with an angle for their new ad campaign.  The one is crammed with fun stuff:  Sydney’s uncanny ability to draw perfect circles, Lauren’s unsettling poetry, and our first real hint of Sydney/Andrew!
Best Line:  “I’m just gonna have to call HR on myself.  It’s gonna be an awkward call; I’m the HR watchdog for this entire floor.”  (Andrew)

“Sydney, Australia” – Sydney finds herself in a delicate situation when her former coworker Danny hits it big with a love song he wrote for her.  Danny is played delightfully by Josh Groban, his song is ridiculously catchy, and its stalkerish tendencies are mocked by Zach, Andrew, and Lauren in a fantastic, hilarious scene.
Best Line:  “Murder beats, not people, Danny!” (Zach)

Simon Roberts Was Here” – Simon goes toe-to-toe with the firm’s new quantitative analyst, a humorless number-cruncher who values market research over creativity.  There’s a great Battle of the Ads, some amusing human-cat bonding, and the Can-Can’t pitch, which is one of the best the team has ever done.
Best Line:  “What?  I read the box – it says ‘human-grade,’ you elitist.”  (Andrew)

“Hugging the Now” – Sydney is nervous about seeing her high-school crush again when he and Simon compete for the same honor at an advertising awards gala.  Some good Buffy references here, along with a shrew idea by Lauren and the terrifically funny/sweet “snow globe” scene.
Best Line:  “First rule of snow globes:  no talking in snow globes!” (Andrew)

“The Intern” – Sydney feels sorry for the new intern, because she knows what it’s like to have your success chalked up to nepotism, but the rich, spoiled girl isn’t a horse worth backing.  Highlights include a sly reverse-psychology pitch, an epically drunk Sydney and Lauren’s perfect guy:  Zandrew.
Best Line:  “Is she championing the cause of the over-privileged?” (Zach)
(Also, Andrew and Zach evidently give the best one-liners of the bunch.  Let’s hear it for the boys!)

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