Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Relationship Spotlight: Sydney Roberts & Andrew Keanelly (The Crazy Ones)

With the unfortunate news that CBS has canceled The Crazy Ones, I thought a bit of eulogizing was in order.  So, I’d like to take the next few days to rave fondly about some of my favorite aspects of the show.  To kick things off, let’s look at the relationship between Sydney and Andrew.
In some ways, Sydney and Andrew both take on more of a straight-man role at the crazed offices of Lewis, Roberts & Roberts.  Both are hardworking and goal-oriented, which sometimes translates to “uptight.”  Andrew is a grammar stickler and Sydney incites groans when she pulls out the much-loathed “creativity binder” to facilitate a brainstorming session.  While Andrew is wound a little less tight than Sydney is, both are sometimes regarded by the rest of the team as killjoys.  Additionally, though they’re both talented, neither is an effortless “natural,” and good results come after hard work.  Working alongside Simon and Zach, who seem to pull inventive ideas out of the ether, it’s no wonder Sydney and Andrew tend towards the insecure.
Maybe that’s why they seem the most relaxed when they’re with each other.  It’s tough for Sydney to kick back when she has to play boss to an unruly, uncooperative team (especially when her dad/co-partner is the most unmanageable of all, so she probably appreciates hanging out with someone she doesn’t have to keep on a short leash.  Likewise, Andrew dislikes seeing everything come so easily to Zach, and I don’t know if his psyche could take it if he didn’t have at least one friend in a similar boat.
Whatever the reason, their friendship is really enjoyable.  They can unwind a little when they’re together – both go a bit on the defensive when other people poke fun at them, but they can rib each other good-naturedly without any qualms.  They make each other laugh, and while their relationship isn’t immune to squabbling, they really support one another.
The romantic part of their dynamic isn’t quite as successful in my opinion, but there’s still a lot to like.  Romantic leanings on the part of either party is fairly lighthearted and angst-free – there’s a hint of wistfulness from time to time, but both manage to happily date other people at different times in the season, and Feelings! don’t keep them from working well together.  What’s more, they really are cute together.  Just from a visual standpoint, it’s amusing to see lanky Andrew beside petite Sydney, and their flirting has a playful, self-deprecating quality that seems to suit both characters.
It’s also nice that Andrew is presented as Sydney’s will-they-won’t-they guy very early in the game.  Since he’s nerdier, less confident, and less conventionally attractive than Zach, he could’ve easily been the archetypal Nice Guy that the woman only falls after she’s learned to stop going after Players and/or Bad Boys.  We could’ve seen a lot of one-side pining, but that’s not the angle here.  Sydney is just about the only woman on the show who’s impervious to Zach’s charms and never views him as a prospective sexual partner.  She and Andrew are both kinda-sorta-maybe interested in each other, and the biggest obstacle to their getting together is the fear of damaging their friendship.  My favorite romances or potential romances always hinge on people who genuinely seem to enjoy each other’s company, and Sydney and Andrew definitely fit the bill.

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