Saturday, May 31, 2014

Poem: To Be Posted in the Sunday Classifieds (2012)

(I could've used so many Doctor-Companion pairs and sets to illustrate the spirit of this poem, but you can never go wrong with Donna.)
To Be Posted in the Sunday Classifieds
The love I’m looking for
Doesn’t come with wedding receptions,
Valentine’s Day reservations,
Or the close calls
Of almost-forgotten anniversary presents.
That flavor of love
Has its place,
But it doesn’t keep me warm
When the universe howls
Outside my door.
Give me a companion love,
A friendship whose spark
Has grown to a starlight burn.
Be someone to follow me
Through the forever
Of time and space;
Share my adventure, not my bed,
And be my proof
That life can be bigger
On the inside.
It’s not about date-night plans
Or appropriate bouquets of floral apology.
Be someone to run with me,
To jump into the wild with me,
To cling to the skin
Of the spinning planet with me.
Give a mad old alien a chance,
Because we can be
Incandescent together.
We’ll walk in the dust
Of long-ago days,
And I’ll bring you so close
To wonder,
You can dip your toes in it.
You and I
Will climb our way
Out of any beast’s belly,
And if the end creeps towards us
With a hungry stare,
Know that this body
Will blaze inside out
So that yours won’t have to.
If ever our skin speaks it,
It won’t be said
In the language of kisses
Or shiver-stirring caresses,
But in the frantic relief
Of still-alive hugs
And the don’t-lose-me way
We hold hands
As we Run,
And never stumble.

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