Sunday, March 9, 2014

The First King of Mars (2007)

Before you ask, no:  PC did not play Grand Marshal Skaldak on Doctor Who.  However, this particular project is a radio program and, as such, is pretty un-screencap-able.  Given the subject matter, I figured Ice Warriors were appropriate.
Recorded to celebrate the 50th anniversary of Sputnik, The First King of Mars is a one-man mini-play about the captain leading an expedition to the red planet.  Despite warnings from mission control that the enormity of the venture can get to a person, the captain slowly proceeds to go off his rocker.  Maybe it’s the prospect of the years-long journey and the boredom/relative isolation that accompanies it.  Maybe it’s the sight of the Earth gradually receding from view.  Whatever the reason, the captain goes well and truly bonkers.  He becomes obsessed with the idea of needing to have a suitable power structure in place if they encounter life on Mars, and so he declares himself the omnipotent monarch of the mission.
Since The First King of Mars is a one-man production and this is Capaldi Winter, only one guess as to who PC plays.  The story is made up entirely of the captain’s official logs, communiques with mission control, and private thoughts.  It begins slowly – the captain is awed, overwhelmed, and developing cabin fever – and eventually descends into tinfoil-hat-wearing madness.
It’s a really fun character performed splendidly.  Whether the captain is requesting movies from mission control or contemplating which of his fellow astronauts he should take as his queen, he is engaging and funny.  By the end, when he composes the Martian planetary anthem, you can’t help but love that kooky captain.
BBC Radio followed up The First King of Mars with a series of short sequels in 2008, also performed by PC.  I’m definitely looking forward to hearing more!
First thoughts:
Accent Watch
In General – Yeah.  It’s funny and creative, and I enjoy space narratives.
PC-wise – Definitely.  Very nicely done by PC.
Nothing of import.

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