Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Beannachd Leibh (1989)

Here’s another short piece, an odd memento of PC’s career:  an unfinished student film in which it looks like PC would’ve been heavily featured.  (As it is, less than eight minutes were shot, so there’s not much to see, but it seems like things were just getting started with his character.

So, what can I tell you about Beannachd Leibh, other than that it evidently means "goodbye” in Scottish Gaelic?  Two women (sisters, I believe) are living together in the countryside, keeping generally to themselves.  There’s lots of lovely scenery and wordless shots and long pensive looks by the shore.  What more do you really need in a student film?

The story seems to take off with the arrival of PC’s character, a young stranger named – I kid you not – Michael Scott.  By all appearances, he’s a good-natured wanderer with a knack for fishing, but there’s definitely something going on.  While one sister is friendly and inviting, the other immediately offers him the cold side of her shoulder, and we really don’t know why.  Never will, I suppose, since unfinished films tend to be like that.

Meh.  Nothing really of note.  We don't get too much more than a look at PC's character.  It's an interesting curiosity to have in one's filmography, but it didn't really hold my attention very well.

For those who are keeping track, this is yet another project featuring PC's wife Elaine Collins.  They've really worked together a lot.

Accent Watch

Sounds Scottish.


In General - Naw.  Nothing special.

PC-wise - For completists only, I'd say.


Just some violence committed against some dead fish.

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