Sunday, February 2, 2014

Bistro (2010)

Okay, I’m not normally one to accuse writers of drug use based on the lunacy of their plots, but… seriously, what was this guy smoking?  Other than the basic facts – a 2-½-minute short film – I have no idea what I just watched and what it was for.
So there’s a bistro, naturally.  There are fake animal facial protuberances, there are very tiny bits of foodstuff, and there are outrageously large condiments.  There’s allegedly a plot of some sort, but I don’t know what it is.
PC is Max, our porcine leading man.  Why he has a snout, I don’t know.  I do know that he’s ravenous, and he bears the slightest passing resemblance to Malcolm – while he doesn’t swear, his colorfully off-color similes are a bit Tucker-esque.
It’s difficult to rate PC’s performance here, since I don’t know exactly what he was supposed to be doing and thus can’t say whether or not he accomplished it.  Max is angry, frustrated, bewildered, and pig-nosed.  Beyond that, I can’t tell you much more.
This short also features Alex MacQueen, playing a waiter with manners very similar to his great Julius Nicholson on The Thick of It.
Accent Watch
In General – I wouldn’t.  Too weird, too nonsensical, too whacked out.
PC-wise – Eh.  For completists only.  Nothing to write home about.
A bit of suggested violence.

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