Sunday, January 12, 2014

The All New Alexei Sayle Show: Series 1, Episode 6 (1994)

Here’s a first for Capaldi Fall/Winter – sketch comedy.  This show, from the mind of British comedian Alexei Sayle, intersperses skits and recurring gags with snippets of stand-up.  PC appears in the last episode of series 1 and all six episodes of series 2.
So far, I’m a little meh on it.  There are clever bits here and there, and there’s a kookiness that sometimes surfaces, but if we’re talking British sketch comedy, I’ve been 100% completely spoiled by the tremendous A Bit of Fry & Laurie.  That show makes me howl, and this one seems just okay.
PC is featured in one sketch, playing Sherlock Holmes (wonder if Moffat’s ever seen it?)  Even putting aside my obvious bias, it’s my favorite sketch of the episode and the only one that actually gets me to laugh out loud.  PC’s Holmes is plagued by a particularly dim Watson who marvels at Holmes’s remarkable ability to, for example, look out the window and deduce that it’s getting dark.
Although PC doesn’t get to do too many Holmesian things, his performance tickles me.  He pulls some fantastic faces as the sketch escalates and his annoyance builds.
I should mention that enterprising Capaldians have posted PC’s individual sketches from this show on youtube, so if you’re interested in PC but don’t want to watch the actual show, you have that option open to you.
Accent Watch
A decently plummy RP.
In General – Not so far.  Nothing to wow me.
PC-wise – Possibly.  If you just watch PC’s sketch, you’re only out a few minutes, and I laughed quite a bit.
Some language, sexual references, and a bit of comedy violence (nothing of note, though, in PC’s sketch.)

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