Thursday, January 2, 2014

Delta Wave: Series 1, Episode 7 – “The Light Fantastic: Part 1” (1996)

All right – one episode into this two-part story, and I can safely say I have very little idea what’s going on.  This much I know:  Delta Wave was a sci-fi-ish, sort-of children’s show made in Britain in the mid-90s.  It centers around one Dr. Munro and her two companions/subjects, Julia and Ed.  Both Julia and Ed are children who have some degree of psychic ability.
In the first part of “The Light Fantastic,” Julia starts having recurring dreams of a man riding a carousel.    She has no idea who he is, but the dreams seem to be causing erratic behavior in her.  While she searches for the meaning of the dreams, the trio is pursued by a pair of nattily-dressed oddballs who are after the children.  (Side note – I really enjoy them.  They remind me of a less outwardly-menacing Croup and Vandemar from Neverwhere.)
PC plays Dimsdale Draco, the man from Julia’s dreams.  In this episode, he mainly appears in shadowy dreamscapes and acts vaguely creepy, but we learn that he is a real person – a dancer from the 1930s.   
Hardly anything to say about him yet.  He wears a top hat, and I’m very curious as to whether PC did his own dancing (my instincts, sadly, say no, but it’d be fun if he had.)  I’m assuming he’ll play a much more prominent role in the second part of this story, to be reviewed tomorrow.
Additionally, Phyllida Law has a very fun little turn as an eccentric shop owner.  I’ve liked her since she was a guest on A Bit of Fry and Laurie.
Accent Watch
He’s barely had any lines yet, but it sounds like RP.
In General – Not sure what to make of it.  It’s super 90s and more than a little kiddish, but it’s got a weird, cracked sensibility that I like.  I’ll give a more final report tomorrow.
PC-wise – Too soon to say.
Just a little overall scariness, but nothing approaching your average Who episode.

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