Monday, January 27, 2014

C.A.T.S. Eye: Series 2, Episode 2 – “Powerline” (1986)

Another early role.  C.A.T.S. Eye, from what I can tell, is about a trio of capable women working as investigators for a secret government operation – and really, it’s not nearly as Charlie’s Angels as it sounds.  For starters, these ladies are clothed appropriately for December weather in Britain.  Maggie is the dogged, demanding boss, and Tessa and Fred are the agents in the field.
In “Powerline,” Tessa and Fred are looking into the mysterious death of another agent.  It seems to have something to do with a nearby military base, and unfortunately for the two women, the most convenient cover is to temporarily join a group of separatists living in the woods.  They ease uncomfortably into outdoor communal living and try to gather intel.
One potential source is Capt. Harry Caldicott, played by PC.    A posh lad stationed at the base, Harry has easily-loosened lips and a weakness for beautiful women.  He’s not nearly as smooth as he thinks is, and Tessa makes short work of him.
Not a whole lot to report.  Harry is earnest, nearly charming, and sadly inept.  Tessa, for her part, is observant, rock-solid, and unflappably professional.  He doesn’t stand a chance.
Major points for lots of strong, smart female characters.  If this show was available on DVD, I’d consider checking out more episodes.
Accent Watch
Well… I think he might be trying for RP – pretty clipped syllables, and a posher air overall – but the vowels go in and out, and some of the ‘R’s sound very Scottish.
In General – Maybe, if you don’t mind the production values.  Decent story and likable characters.
PC-wise – Not necessarily – not much there.  Still, it’s an amusing little turn.
Sexual content and discussion, brief violence, a little drinking, and a few drug references.

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