Saturday, December 7, 2013

Turtle Diary (1985, PG)

Here’s an entry that’s less Bean and more December Bride – in other words, there’s not much PC to speak of, but it’s a well-made film with nice performances from the rest of the cast.  Though I wasn’t quite sure what to expect, I wound up enjoying it a lot; it’s a soft, sweet film with a lot of warmth.
In Turtle Diary, two people (William and Neaera) meet and bond over the sea turtles at the London Zoo.  Both are quiet, bookish animal lovers – shy and unassuming – but they decide that something must be done about the adult turtles, who’ve spent the last thirty years in captivity.  Working in consort with the turtle keeper, they set out to liberate them.
PC only appears in one scene, playing the assistant keeper.  He’s not terribly excited about his job and he doesn’t ask too many questions, both of which are useful qualities if you’re trying to smuggle grown turtles out from under someone’s nose.
Not much to say, as he’s literally onscreen for less than half a minute.  Unlike December Bride, he also few lines, so there’s that.  No, this movie is to be seen for its nice little story and for its lead performances.
Ben Kingsley makes an excellent William, a straight-and-narrow type who awkwardly readies himself for an act of rebellion.  As the turtle keeper, Michael Gambon is clever and clandestine.  And while I’ll always know her best as the awful Miss Minchin in A Little Princess, Eleanor Bron gives a very different sort of performance in a minor role.
Accent Watch
London – broad, bordering on Aussie.
In General – I would.  I enjoyed the story, the characters, and the acting.  Keep in mind, though, that it’s very understated and character-driven.
PC-wise – For completists only.
Thematic elements, and criminal activity in the form of a turtle-heist.

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