Monday, December 2, 2013

The Field of Blood: Series 1, Episode 1 (2011)

And why is The Field of Blood the next stop on Capaldi Fall, you might ask?  I have a certain youtube video to thank for that, a clip of a truly spectacular poetry recitation from this show.  PC quoting Dylan Thomas?  I’m so there.
But there’s a lot to stick around for.  At the center of The Field of Blood is Paddy Meehan, a young would-be journalist chomping at the bit to upgrade her copy-girl status at a Glaswegian newspaper.  She thinks she’s hit pay-dirt when she snags a scoop for a big story, but things turn sour when she realizes it’s a story she doesn’t want to be telling: the suspect arrested for the murder of a toddler is her 10-year-old cousin Callum.  While the rest of the paper chases this chilling, scandalous lead, Paddy follows her conviction that Callum is innocent. 
I’m only halfway through this two-part story, but I’m absolutely Paddy’s girl.  She’s smart and tough, and though she goes after what she wants, she has personal and professional lines she won’t cross.  I can’t wait to see her uncover the truth of what happened.
The above-mentioned Dylan Thomas quoting must happen in episode 2.  Not much PC here, to be honest.  He plays a journalist at the same newspaper as Paddy, and IMDb tells me his character’s name is Dr. Pete, which seems like an odd name for a journalist.  He’s barely more than a glorified extra at this point – he’s had exactly one line – but since he’s listed fourth in the opening credits and I’ve seen some rather compelling youtube evidence, I’m assuming he’ll have a lot more to do in the second episode.
Despite his nigh-infinitesimal amount of screentime, however, I can’t complain too much.  The only times the camera focuses on Dr. Pete, he’s sticking up for awesome Paddy, which is an enormous check in the plus column for me.
Initial thoughts:
Accent Watch
Here’s another story that takes place in Scotland, and PC has the accent to match. 
In General – So far, big yes.  Taut mystery, some fine acting, and a fantastically rootable heroine.  I’m excited for the next episode!
PC-wise – From this episode, too early to say.  But just wait.  Dylan Thomas – it’s happening.
Dark subject matter, a scene of violence, and some swearing and drinking.  Also, if you don’t like it when perfectly healthy-sized women are called fat, you may find yourself wanting to smack several characters – journalism in Glasgow in the ‘80s was such a boys’ club.

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