Monday, December 23, 2013

Christmas List

Speculating about the new Doctor is a time-honored tradition of Who, especially when we have a full year between their appointment and their first proper story, with nothing but an end-of-Christmas-special teaser to tantalize.  I didn’t come to Who until Eleven’s tenure was already in full swing, so this is my first long wait for a new Doctor and my first chance to ruminate over what I’d like to see post-regeneration.

Let me preface my geek-wishes by saying that I really love Eleven and I’ll be sorry to see him go.  Matt Smith’s performance on this show has been made of win, and even though he’s been saddled with some less-than-desirable writing, his Doctor has always worked for me.  That being said, to everything a season, and all Doctors have to go sometime.  Since he’ll be regenerating regardless, why not have some fun thinking about what I’d like to see born out of the ashes?

Fewer Romantic Overtones

Okay, I adored Nine and Rose’s thing, whatever it was.  Their relationship carried me through the shakier episodes of series 1, and they were gorgeous together.  Then there was Ten and Rose, Martha’s crush on Ten, and River with both Ten and Eleven.  Even though Eleven and Amy wound up as best friends, the show was constantly teasing the “which one does she really love?” angle, which got old fast.  There was Jack and Reinette and Astrid and Christina.  And now, there’s Eleven and Clara; while there’s nothing overt between them, the references to snog boxes and tight skirts (sigh – really, Doctor?) are a bit much.

Frankly, I’m tired of it.  I don’t want to see Clara and the Doctor making eyes at each other.  That’s not what a Doctor-companion relationship should be about.  Hopefully, when the Doctor looks 50-something instead of 20- or 30-something, the show will remember that he’s over 1,000, and he doesn’t actually have to kiss all his female companions. 

That being said…

Strong Friendship Between Twelve and Clara

Naturally, it’ll be different for Clara when the Doctor regenerates, but I don’t want a lingering sense that she’s disappointed to have lost the “young, cute one.”  Even though our new Doctor will look a lot older, he’ll still be the same man, and I’d like he and Clara to remain close.  Maybe more of an avuncular relationship, like what Three and Jo developed?

Since we’re on the age thing…

The Doctor’s Reaction to His Older Face

I’m really curious about what the Doctor will think of his new body.  Will he be disappointed, like when Two regenerated into Three (even though Three went on to have quite a high opinion of himself?)  Or, conversely, maybe he’ll like looking older; I can imagine something to the effect of, “Finally!  A face people will take seriously!

I have a few more wishes, coming tomorrow.

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