Friday, December 13, 2013

Chandler & Co.: Series 1, Episode 5 – “Family Matters” (1994)

As it seems is typical in so many TV shows, the penultimate episode of the season is a real cracker.    All sorts of dramatic stuff going on here, and Larry has some nice material relating to both of today’s cases.
Things go badly for Dee after she investigates the fidelity of a public figure.  Thanks to an error in judgment on her part, the scandal and her connection to it crop up in the newspapers.  Suddenly, there’s a gaggle of reporters setting up camp outside her home and hounding her for interviews.  Her kids are intrigued and bemused by the situation, but her husband leaves her to fend for herself and makes contemptuous remarks, calling her a “sex snoop.”  (He’s such a brick, isn’t he?)
With Elly AWOL on a case of her own, it’s Larry who steps in to give Dee a hand.  Though he’s not without some chiding comments, he bullies contacts and sends out his bloodhound (his preferred “tracer” Misty, a great recurring character) to find out how the story was leaked to the press.  He’s excellent in his pursuit of the name: commanding, no-nonsense, and fully suited up, as you can see from the picture.  (Definite change from his usual attire.)
I mentioned Elly above.  Today, she’s embroiled in a sad case looking for a runaway.  She’s taken into some dangerous territory, which leads to harsh words between her and Larry.  Like I’ve said before, she’s so bullheadedly independent and he’s so tight-lipped and awkward about his regard for her; it’s only a matter of time before hurtful things are said on both sides.    However, this clash ultimately provides us with a few snippets from Larry’s past, hints of what might have prompted his present closed-off manner.
One more episode to go.  While it’s no Sherlock, Veronica Mars, or Elementary, I’m really enjoying Chandler & Co. as a character-driven P.I. drama.
Solicitation and drug references.

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