Sunday, November 3, 2013

The Thick of It: Series 3, Episode 7 (2009)

Malcolm’s chief nemeses all have different forms of the same trait.  Malcolm, we know, communicates largely in profanity- and threat-laden rants, making himself known in a big way wherever he goes.  He’s scary Tucker, of whom cabinet ministers live in fear.  But all the people who really push his buttons are the opposite:  they rarely raise their voices and almost never resort to swearing (all of them, however, have their breaking points, of which Malcolm is usually the cause.)  Julius is buttoned-up and decorous.  Stewart is easy-going and relies on “innovative” corporate-speak.  And then, there’s Steve.
Steve Fleming is the party’s previous spin doctor, forced out by Malcolm a couple years before the show began.  Short and slightly round, he’s the visual antithesis of the tall, gaunt Malcolm.  While Malcolm is all about anger and intimidation, Steve has a constant smile plastered on his face and speaks in a syrupy tone.  Even when he’s pushed to anger, his words come out in quietly-restrained bursts peppered by nervous laughter.  It’s unsettling; Ollie describes him as having “obsessive repulsive disorder.”  And he’s back.
As you might imagine, Malcolm isn’t thrilled about Steve’s return.  He’s in full defense-mode, pulling all the behind-the-scenes strings he can to make himself look indispensable to the prime minister.  But of course, Spider-Man will tell us what comes with great power, and when the latest DoSAC crisis occurs, Steve may nonchalantly step back and leaving Malcolm holding the bag.
I’ve not mentioned DoSAC much yet.  I have to say, considering how terrified Nicola was of Malcolm early in the season, she’s made some impressive strides on that front.  She receives a “gang-bollocking” in this episode from Malcolm and Steve simultaneously, and she manages to keep enough of her wits about her to stick up for herself and even toss in a few wry remarks.  That’s nice to see.

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