Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Fallen Angel: Episode 2 – “The Judgement of Strangers” (2007)

This is a bit of an odd duck.  PC appeared in the last two parts of this unsettling, non-chronological miniseries.  So far, I’m finding it to be an interesting story of some very damaged people, but things can get a little Lifetime now and again.
The volatile point around which Fallen Angel revolves is Rosie, a young woman with severe mental health issues, a cruel, self-serving streak, and an obsession with an unsavory dead poet.  The three episodes run in reverse order – I already watched the initial installment, so I’ve seen where Rosie ends up and what she does, and I’m now working my way back in time to look for the source of her darkness.  “The Judgement of Strangers” presents a teenage Rosie; allegedly “recovered” from an earlier childhood trauma, she subtly manipulates those around her and fosters a growing talent for the old ultraviolence.
PC plays Henry Appleton.  He and his wife Wendy are friends of Rosie’s father, and their son Michael is one of the first to suspect Rosie of untoward action.  It seems that Henry and Wendy are recovering from marital problems – he makes a comment about them being back together, and they embark on a second honeymoon.
Henry is, so far, a pretty thin character.    I’m guessing he and Wendy will get a lot more backstory in the final episode, which takes place before this one.  But as things currently stand, he’s just a generic relation to his more narratively-important wife and son – don’t know much about him.
Lots of familiar faces in this one.  PC has previously worked with Clare Holman (in Giving Tongue, playing his wife in both projects,) Charles Dance (in What Rats Won’t Do, though he’s known much better as Tywin Lannister,) and Sheila Hancock (in Fortysomething.)  Additionally, we have Austen alumni James D’Arcy (Tom Bertram in the Billie Piper version of Mansfield Park) and Emilia Fox (as Rosie, she’s very unlike her Georgiana Darcy in the Ehle/Firth Pride and Prejudice.)
Accent Watch
Sounds like RP.  Some questionable vowels, but not too bad.
In General – Possibly, depending on how it ends.  I’ll report more definitively tomorrow.
PC-wise – Not so far.  Nothing special.
Dark subject matter and grisly images (although usually, only the aftermath of the violence is shown, not the act itself,) including violence against animals.  Sexual content and drug references.

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