Wednesday, October 16, 2013

The Vicar of Dibley: Series 2, Episode 2 - “The Christmas Lunch Incident” (1996)

One more offering from The Vicar of Dibley.  I quite enjoyed this one as well.  The premise is pretty sitcommy – Geraldine gets invited to multiple Christmas lunches from different parishioners and doesn't have the heart to turn any of them down – but overall, it's fun.  There are some fun twists and good gags as she valiantly struggles through course after course.
After seeing a second episode, the characters are differentiating themselves more.  The parishioners aren't all the same flavor of West Country bumpkins – there's a lot of variety, which allows for more kinds of humor.
I won't get into how PC comes into play exactly – it's a fun sequence, and I don't want to spoil it.  I will say that I like the way Geraldine just melts for him.  It's so cute, and it's nice to see him portrayed as an obvious catch.
Oh, and for some reason, though, he's now called Tristram instead of Tristan.  Apparently Richard Curtis isn't a stickler for continuity!  
Now, for the final Vicar of Dibley round-up.
Accent Watch
Okay, so I know he's not using his own accent.  Absolutely not.  It sure sounds like RP to me, but Geraldine mentions him being Scottish again in “The Christmas Lunch Incident.”  If I really listen, I can maybe hear it a little bit in the 'OO's, but that's being pretty generous.  I give up.
In General – Yeah.  While it would definitely feel out of place next to modern single-camera sitcoms, it's still very funny, and I like a lot of the characters.  Touché, Netflix – you were right.
PC-wise – Maybe.  Like I said yesterday, it's good fun, and it makes for an enjoyable way to spend a bit of time.
Nothing further to report.

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