Friday, September 27, 2013

Torchwood: Series 3, Episode 5 – “Children of Earth: Day Five” (2009)

Series 3 of Torchwood builds to a frenzied close in this gut-punching finale.  Feeling they’ve been handed a Hobson’s choice by the 4-5-6, the government sets its reprehensible plan into motion, and it’s up to Jack to neutralize the alien threat, and even more urgently, to save the world from itself.  Unfortunately, Jack is faced with a terrible choice of his own.  I’m telling you, that RTD, he really knows how to go “to the pain.”
And Frobisher… PC has a few scenes in this episode that are just jaw-droppingly stunning.  He can show so much emotion without a syllable of dialogue and with such minimal changes in his expression.  After everything he’s given to his government – his years, his peace of mind, the morals he must have had once – it cares about him so little, and there’s a horrible sinking moment when he finally realizes it.  If you were to take screenshots of the beginning and the end of this moment, the physical difference between the two would be fractional, but they’d convey entirely different emotions.  Honestly, one of the best performances I’ve seen from him so far.
Final words for Torchwood:
Accent Watch
Okay, I know I said RP, but I kept second-guessing myself throughout.  What’s interesting is, I think he generally sounds RP in scenes at work – with his staff, the prime minister, and the 4-5-6 – but the Scottish comes through a lot in scenes with his wife and daughters.  Since his wife is Scottish (the character – not sure about the actress), that could’ve made it harder for him to keep the RP going.  He wouldn’t be the first actor to struggle in that area, and PC isn’t an accent ninja to start with.  But we’re talking lots of Scottishness.  I almost wonder if Frobisher is a Scottish man trying to sound posh for his job (apparently he’s never met Malcolm Tucker, proof that a Glaswegian can get ahead in government,) but that might be giving PC a bit too much credit.
In General – I’m still not sure.  There’s definitely stuff to like – some fine storytelling, great acting, effective directing – but also major flaws and incredibly dark material.  Some fans love “CoE,” and others stopped watching Torchwood over it.  Use your best judgment, I guess?
PC-wise – My first instinct is to say, “Yes, yes, yes – why aren’t you watching it yet? – yes!!”  However, I realize I should temper that a little.  PC is fantastic as Frobisher, but Frobisher is an awfully dark character who does some majorly bad things.  If you tend to hold actors accountable for the actions of their less savory characters (if, for instance, you can’t bring yourself to like Guy Pearce because Mondego was such a d-bag in The Count of Monte Cristo,) then seeing this role might make it hard for you to take to him as the Doctor later on.
I know I’ve already mentioned the violence and the dark subject matter, but this episode has a couple of particularly upsetting scenes of violence, both involving children.

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