Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Procrastinated Project Progress

Because I'm so clever, I was working on my project last night and completely forgotting about posting a blog about it (apparently, something due in three weeks is more urgent than something due last night). Anyway, here is my update, if a behind schedule.

Things are gong well with my project. I'm nearly completed with six pages of my Wix project - the introduction page as well as pages of five of the eight films I need to watch. I have my hands on two of the remaining films, and the last should be coming to be today via Netflix.

I'm enjoying working with Wix. I've gotten into a rhythm for working on my project, and I think it's turning out nicely. I need to make several informational pages - one for films, one for actors, one for my sources, and one explaining navigation for the site. The actors page is in progress, and with any luck, I'll finish that or be close to it before I watch the last three films over Thanksgiving break.

One thing I'll have to do is go over all my pages again and work on my transitions. When I move to a new page, everything sweeps in from the right, and I'd like to find something a little gentler.

One thing I'm not sure about is whether I need to cite sources that I link to. For example, if clicking on the name "Maggie Cheung" sends the reader to the actress's Imdb page, do I include that on my sources page? Any help with that?

At any rate, I'm enjoying the project, and it's encouraged me to think about other poems I've written that could be enhanced by hypermediation. Something to ponder...


  1. Allyson, I wouldn't worry about citing pages that you link to. I assume that readers will realize they've landed on an external site and will be able to see where they are through the normal navigational signals. With images and all, you'll have tons of material that you need to cite without citing sites you link to as well.

  2. Thanks, Judy. I had a sneaking suspicion that citations for links would be wholly unnecessary, and I'm glad I don't have to do all that additional work. :-)
